A Craig Dobbins Moment

by Julie S. Dobbins


Note: Craig has decided to include interviews with other guitarists on his website and he has asked me to take on that responsibility. Since I have never interviewed anyone before, we decided that I would start with interviewing Craig B. Dobbins himself. The results were . . . well, you can judge for yourself.



JD: Hi Craig. Let’s get started. I have a few basic points of information about you and then we’ll start with the questions. You were born November 16, 1957 and currently reside in Alabama with your wife of 24 years and your 16 year old son. Correct?

CB: That’s correct.

JD: Okay, now for the questions. What were your early aspirations?

CB: A kind of yellow, mucousy sort of stuff.

JD: Um, thanks.

CB: You’re welcome.

JD: Who would you say were your influences in life?

CB: Christopher Columbus and Betty Grable.

JD: I thought it was Maureen O’Hara.

CB: That came later.

JD: Oh. My next question is: who are your musical influences?

CB: Frank Zappa, Jim Croce, Marlene Dietrich . . . anyone with a big mustache.

JD: I see you’re trying to grow your own mustache.

CB: I am?

JD: Never mind . . .

JD: What instruments do you use?

CB: Scalpel, sponge . . .

JD: Let’s talk about education. What kind of education do you have?

CB: Not much.




JD: Okay. That explains a lot. What about employment?

CB: Not much.

JD: What are you best known as?

CB: That tall guy.

JD: Do you have a list of credits?

CB: Capital One, Bank of America . . .

JD: I didn’t know about Capital One.

CB: I was going to tell you.

JD: When?

CB: I just did.

(Icy stare.)

JD: So, what was your most interesting performing experience?

CB: An appendectomy that I performed on my soon to be deceased gerbil, Horace.

JD: What was your worst performing experience?

CB: An appendectomy that I performed on my soon to be deceased gerbil, Horace.

JD: What was your funniest performing experience?

CB: An appendectomy that I performed on my soon to be deceased gerbil, Horace.

JD: Well, I think that concludes our interview. Thanks for taking the time, I think. It’s been very enlightening.

CB: Happy to help out.

Copyright © 2008 by Julie S. Dobbins

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